Travel expenses usually exceed the budget wherever you go, and it’s important to choose the most reasonable offers for each item. For example, if you are going to Australia, then you need to pre-plan spending including accommodation, food and sightseeing. As for transport, a car from Hertz at Sydney airport domestic would be a very profitable solution.

Usually, on vacation people often relax, stop controlling costs, and it’s best to always take with you an amount that is 50% higher than planned expenses.

Is it possible to avoid overspending? From the point of view of financial planning, you need to write down every purchase and stick to a budget, but on vacation it’s difficult to act so rationally. In order to solve this problem, we have chosen the best financial applications for travel. They will help you ease financial calculations and allow you to think less about money on vacation.

Expensify: Receipts & Expenses

Availability: iOS/Android

According to Business Insider, this application has been named the best assistant for business trips. Expensify helps you quickly collect all information about spending on a business trip: you can either enter amounts manually or read them from receipts – the application scans the bill, automatically highlighting the purchase amount and its purpose.

Another option is to attach an Expensify card. In addition, if you rent a car and drive it on toll roads, you can turn on the GPS or take a photo of the odometer – and the application automatically calculates how much it has cost you. What’s more, the application allows you to use electronic cards with different currencies.

At the end of the trip, Expensify collects all your expenses in one PDF report and sends it by email. You can set the report currency by yourself: it’s convenient if, for example, you spent in U.S. Dollars, and you will be able to reimburse expenses in Euros. In this case, the application itself will perform the conversion.


Availability: iOS

This application helps friends who travel together to avoid awkward conversations about money. Budgy works like this: one of the tourists creates a budget list, for example, ‘Trip to the USA’, and selects the currency for it. After that, he adds other participants to this budget list.

Next, travelers simply enter their spending to the app, attaching a photo of the bill – for example, ‘dinner at a restaurant’, or ‘ferry tickets’. Then the amount is automatically divided equally among all participants, and it becomes clear how much each traveler has spent. This data and bill photos can be sent as a report to the mail directly from the application.

One drawback is that all values ​​need to be entered manually: there’s no binding to a bank card. It’s not necessary to have an Internet connection for the app: you can enter all the expenses offline. When the network is available, they will be loaded automatically.

Award Wallet

Availability: iOS/Android

The Award Wallet collects information about all the loyalty programs of the traveler: bonus miles, discounts in hotels and shops, or credit card points. After registration, Award Wallet offers to attach any number of promotions – you just need to login in the bonus system or enter the number of the discount card.

After that, the application will start displaying the status of the program participant, the number of bonuses and their expiration date. In the Award Wallet application you can also create a travel plan and tie all bonuses to it, so as not to forget to use them.

For example, to the task “Flight from Rome” you attach the bonus of the low-cost airline company, while to the “Dinner in Barcelona” – all discounts available to you in restaurants of the city. All this information is displayed in the application, but you can add it only through the website.

Trail Wallet

Availability: iOS

This application simply helps not to spend too much during the trip. During the registration process, you choose the travel currency. Then you set the amount you would like to spend daily.

After that, the app will count how much you have spent your daily budget. Trail Wallet has the only one disadvantage: as in most similar applications, all expenses here must be entered manually.

Trip Budget

Availability: Android

Trip Budget is very similar to the previous app. It also needs to enter expenses, which at the request of the user will be converted into his home currency. Trip Budget’s main difference is that it tracks expenses in more detail and can distribute them among several participants of the trip.

In addition, it helps to make a plan before the trip. In Trip Budget, a user can suppose how much he will spend in each of the categories: “transportation”, “accommodation”, “food” and “entertainment”. You can also add your own types of spending, such as “souvenirs” or “medicines.” Already during the trip, the user adds real costs in each category and tries not to exceed the limit.


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